Ho Iat Seng said on Wednesday that he hasn’t decided yet whether he will be seeking a second term as Chief Executive in next year’s election, adding that once he reaches a decision, he will announce it. Ho was asked by reporters about his plans for next year’s CE election while speaking to the media on the side-lines of the reception commemorating the 24th anniversary of the SAR’s establishment.
His predecessors, Edmund Ho and Chui Sai On, both served two five-year terms as leaders of the Macau SAR.
Chui Sai On announced his bid for a second term as SAR leader in early March, 2014, almost five months before being re-elected, in late July of the same year.
With the exception of the first Chief Executive election in 1999, which took place in May, elections for head of the SAR Government, held every five years, happen in July or August.
Ho was elected by the 400-strong CE Electoral Committee on August 25, 2019, after securing 392 votes in favour.
Earlier last week, the Legislative Assembly (AL) approved the second reading of the Chief Executive Election Law at a plenary session. The new law will be adopted ahead of next year’s CE election.
According to the amendments, nominees for the CE election and candidates for electing members of the chief executive electoral committee must meet the qualifications of upholding the Basic Law and pledging allegiance to the Macau SAR. The qualifications of the nominees and candidates are subject to examination by the SAR’s Committee for Safeguarding National Security.
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