Elsie Ao Ieong, secretária para os Assuntos Sociais e Cultura, esteve presente na 76.ª Assembleia Mundial da Saúde, que tem como tema: “75.º aniversário da Organização Mundial de Saúde: salvar vidas, promover a saúde para todos”, que se realizou no domingo, em Genebra, na Suíça.
Durante o evento, a secretária teve um encontro com o subdirector da Comissão Nacional de Saúde, Cao Xuetao, e com o embaixador chinês junto ao escritório das Nações Unidas em Genebra e outras organizações internacionais na Suíça, Chen Xu.
Na ocasião, a secretária apontou que, durante a epidemia, as políticas antiepidémicas de Macau estiveram em linha com as do interior da China, e os trabalhos de combate à epidemia obtiveram “resultados muito positivos”.
Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, wants to see more four-star and three-star hotels developed in the city, so a greater number of package-tour vistors can afford to stay.
Mr Ho made the remark during a question-and-answer session held at a Friday plenary meeting of the city’s Legislative Assembly. During the occasion, legislator Cheung Kin Chung stated that the local tourism sector would support the Macau government’s policy of attracting a greater number of international visitors.
The Chief Executive stressed the city’s aim was to “welcome all kinds of tourists,” and not to be “differentiating them as high [quality] ones or low”.
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has indicated that Macau had begun to “emerge from the fog of the epidemic”, with more than 70,000 tourists registered this Chinese New Year holiday period.
A total of 71,672 tourists visited the SAR on Monday, the second day of the Chinese New Year, reaching the highest visitor tally in three years
While in a visit to several areas in downtown Macau today (Tuesday), Ho commented that the number of visitors in the city has been increasing significantly in recent days, when compared to the last three years, according to a government dispatch concerning the visit.
The head of government also foresaw that in the coming days of the Lunar New Year holidays, the flow of people in the city will be even greater, and wished that, in addition to relevant festivities, the local market can continue to prosper, even in quieter times for tourism, something he considered “the next challenge for Macau”.
Macau Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng said Thursday that the government will maintain its 2023 gross gaming revenue forecast of MOP$130 billion (US$16 billion).
“This year’s budget states that gross gaming revenue is MOP$130 billion, and the average monthly gross gaming revenue need to be more than MOP$10 billion,” Ho said. “The government will not revise this forecast for the time being and hopes that all sectors of the community will work hard to achieve this figure.”
He also noted that Macau’s economy is starting to show signs of recovery and it is important to wait and see the prevailing economic situation.
The government initially estimated GGR for 2023 at MOP$130 billion when announcing its budget in November. This forecast was exactly the same as in each of the past two years, although the real GGR figure fell well short in both 2021 and 2022.
In 2021, GGR reached MOP$86.9 billion (US$10.8 billion) before falling to just MOP$42.2 billion (US$5.2 billion) in 2022. In 2020, the first year of the pandemic in Macau, GGR was MOP$60.5 billion (US$7.5 billion).
However, since 8 January 2023, visitors to Macau from mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan no longer have to be tested for COVID-19 while foreign visitors are exempt from quarantine.
Investment bank JP Morgan said in a recent note that GGR for the first eight days of January had reached MOP$2.1 billion (US$261 million) – around 30% of 2019 levels and a significant improvement on GGR levels in 4Q22.
Depois de Macau ter superado os “tempos mais difíceis”, é hora de avançar, disse ontem o Chefe do Executivo, por ocasião da celebração do 23º aniversário da RAEM: “Com o vento a nosso favor, é o momento perfeito para nos fazermos à vela e avançar”. Ho Iat Seng sublinhou que, com o relaxamento progressivo das restrições de circulação de pessoas, a assinatura dos contratos de concessão para a exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino e a implementação faseada da estratégia “1+4” para o desenvolvimento adequado e diversificado da economia, “Macau entrará numa nova fase de desenvolvimento após a pandemia”.
“As políticas e medidas de apoio do Governo Central ao desenvolvimento de Macau estão a ser implementadas, o que permite injectar uma nova dinâmica no desenvolvimento de Macau. Mantemo-nos convictos de que com as garantias proporcionadas pelo princípio ‘Um País, Dois Sistemas’, o firme apoio da grande pátria e a conjugação de esforços de todos os sectores sociais e de toda a população, Macau irá ultrapassar as dificuldades e criar um novo cenário de desenvolvimento”, salientou Ho Iat Seng.