Macau is on track to hold over 1,000 MICE events this year, as the local government expects to welcome, in 2H23, over 170,000 professional visitors from mainland China, Southeast Asian countries, and Portuguese-speaking countries.
According to the statistical data, Macau held 1,536 MICE events in 2019. Therefore if operators in the territory hold 1,000 events this year the figure will still only amount to 65 percent of 2019 levels in terms of event numbers.
In 2019, Macau had over 2 million MICE visitors. However, the government didn’t set a goal for the MICE visitor tally this year.
Macau Chief Executive says concessionaire investment plans to be integrated into “1+4” diversification model
Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, said Friday the investment plans submitted by concessionaires in mid-March will form part of its “1+4” model aimed at diversifying the city’s economy.
Ho’s comments were made during a question-and-answer session at the Legislative Assembly, where he spoke at length about the importance of diversification.
The “1+4” model refers to the ongoing development of Macau’s tourism and leisure industries but with additional focus on four new industries – big health, hi-tech, modern finance and finally conventions and exhibitions including culture and sports.
“Macau completed its gambling license tender last year and relaxed its epidemic prevention policy on 8 January this year, thus changing the direction of the ‘1+4’ development mentioned before,” the Chief Executive said on Friday.
“On March 16, the concessionaires submitted their investment plans for this year to the government. The government will now make a judgment based on their investment plans and [integrate] them into the government’s ‘1+4’ detailed plan, which is expected to be announced in June.”
He also stressed that the government has not changed its focus on the “1+4” diversified strategy for Macau’s economic development.
“The ‘1+4’ plan will clarify the development direction of some industries, and will also include the Cooperation Zone in Hengqin,” he said.
Fitch Ratings Inc said in a Friday note on Macau, it expected the city’s economic diversification away from gaming “to remain slow” in pace. In the same memo, the ratings agency forecast Macau’s economy could enjoy a 48-percent jump in 2023, based on a “cautious assumption that gaming revenue will recover to about half of the 2019 level”.
In December, Fitch had suggested Macau’s economy could see in 2023 a 46 percent rebound. The city’s gross domestic product recorded a contraction of 26.8 percent in 2022.
Num encontro com o vice-ministro do Comércio chinês, Ho Iat Seng recebeu a garantia de que o Governo Central irá apoiar Macau a desenvolver a indústria das convenções e exposições e a diversificar a economia. A reunião aconteceu em Pequim, no rescaldo da sessão anual da 14.ª Assembleia Popular Nacional
Governo quer transformar Macau numa “cidade de
Macao will continue to organise large-scale brand-promotion events, strengthen the social and economic benefits of local events and promote the development of local cultural and sports undertakings and industries, Secretary for Social Affairs and Culture Elsie Ao Ieong U has said.
She added that recent performances like the Unforgettable Melodies at the Ruins of St Paul’s, which attracted many young tourists to Macao, could be formed as a brand to highlight the “charm” of the city’s cultural events.
Ao Ieong made the remarks during a one-day Q&A session in the legislature’s hemicycle about her portfolio’s policy guidelines for the development of cultural and sports industries for next year.
Ao Ieong said that the sports industry was similar to the cultural industry as it relies on branding. She noted that it had been “relatively easy” for Macao to host sports events in recent years, which attracted many fans.
“Há coisas que não podemos prever”, disse, referindo-se à pandemia da covid-19. A maratona 2021 Sands China Macau Internacional 10K, Regatas Internacionais de Barcos-Dragão de Macau, Maratona Internacional de Macau, Ténis de Mesa WTT Macau 2021 e o Grande Prémio de Macau, deverão ser os eventos acolhidos pelo território neste ano, detalhou Pun Weng Kun.
Em Novembro, na apresentação das Linhas de Acção Governativa (LAG) para este ano, o Chefe do Executivo tinha indicado que estavam a ser planeados 12 eventos desportivos de grande escala para 2021. Disse, contudo, que a organização de algumas das provas lhe estavam a dar dores de cabeça devido à pandemia. Agora, ao PONTO FINAL, o Instituto do Desporto (ID) confirmou que o número de eventos desportivos a serem organizados durante este ano será menor do que o inicialmente previsto, mas não deu detalhes sobre quais as provas riscadas do programa. A realização do Grande Prémio continua em dúvida.
Nov20 (LAG21)
O Chefe do Executivo disse ontem que o Governo quer organizar, em conjunto com as concessionárias de jogo, um total de 12 eventos desportivos de grande escala. Porém, na apresentação das Linhas de Acção Governativa (LAG) aos deputados, Ho Iat Seng disse que ainda não sabe se será viável, devido à evolução da pandemia. “Estou com algumas dores de cabeça por causa de algumas actividades”, admitiu. O Grande Prémio de 2021 não está confirmado. Na Assembleia Legislativa (AL), Ho Iat Seng referiu que o objectivo passava por organizar um evento por mês, em colaboração com as seis concessionárias de jogo da região, em que cada operadora ficaria encarregue de dois. À proposta, “as concessionárias deram resposta satisfatória e positiva”, referiu o líder do Governo.
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