Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong has pointed out the need for Macau to change its reputation as a gambling city, saying that the next ten years would serve as a turning point for non-gaming to evolve into another major pillar of the city’s economy.
At a Legislative Assembly (AL) plenary session this afternoon where lawmakers expressed concern over the future of the city’s gaming industry, the official said that gambling would have to make way for other sectors – such as MICE, culture, modern finance and Chinese medicine – industries that Macau has to pursue and develop in the long run at the behest of the country.
Comparing his four policy addresses in detail, the 2023 policy address clearly highlights a shift in the government’s attitude towards the gaming industry as it prepares to issue new casino concessions before the end of this year. These new concessions will also signal a change in the way the industry is managed. (...) The 2023 policy address described in detail the development of non-gaming elements, but on the future of the gaming sector itself emphasized “strict supervision of concessionaire compliance with contractual commitments” and the need to ensure the healthy and orderly development of the gaming industry in accordance with the law. At the same time, Ho “urges gaming companies to implement their commitments for non-gaming projects and to organize various international cultural and sports events”, outlining his ambition for 60% of Macau’s GDP to come from non-gaming activities.
nov22 (LAG)
MESMO com as frequentes notícias dos problemas financeiros que as opera-doras de jogo enfrentam, o Governo mostra-se irredutível e mantém a postura de que es-tas continuam a ter capacidade de investir e obter retorno no mercado. Como? Recorrendo aos enormes ganhos dos anos anteriores. “As empresas, nos últimos três anos, têm tido ad-versidades e dificuldades, mas nos últimos 20 anos consegui-ram grandes resultados, tendo em conta o fluxo de capitais e o investimento envolvido. Se pesquisar poderá ver que as re-ceitas foram abundantes. Penso que não haverá esse problema [de dificuldades financeiras], existem informações na Internet de que existe uma má situação, mas temos um sector do jogo muito saudável que pode contri-buir para um desenvolvimento sustentável de Macau”, rematou o Chefe do Executivo HOje Macau 16/11/22
Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng has said that his administration is striving to maintain the prospect that 60 per cent of Macau’s gross domestic product (GDP) comes from non-gaming.
The government policy address for the year of 2023 presented to legislators this afternoon once again places heavy emphasis on the government’s pursuit of healthcare, modern finance, high technology, as well as sports and culture.
The document emphasises that the city will need to rely on the four sectors to transition to an economic diversification.
In a following Q&A session with media, the city’s leader explained that each of them would have to account for at least 15 per cent of the city’s GDP for them to add up to a total of 60 per cent.
O Governo de Macau “seguirá rigorosamente as instruções do Governo Central” na atribuição das concessões para a exploração de jogo nos casinos da região, assegurou Ho Iat Seng, numa reunião com Zhao Haishan, vice-governador da província de Hubei, que aconteceu na terça-feira.
Segundo uma nota do Governo, o Chefe do Executivo frisou, ao responsável de Hubei, que Macau “está empenhado em promover a diversificação adequada da economia”, bem como “os trabalhos relativos ao concurso público para a atribuição das concessões para a exploração de jogos de fortuna ou azar em casino, frisando que seguirá rigorosamente as instruções do Governo Central, no sentido de assegurar o desenvolvimento saudável e ordenado dos sectores de turismo e de entretenimento, com mais elementos não jogo e da indústria de convenções e exposições”. O objectivo é, lê-se no comunicado, “potenciar o posicionamento de Macau como Centro Mundial de Turismo e Lazer na Grande Baía de Guangdong, Hong Kong e Macau”.
Despite the gaming law changes most satellite casinos are expected o continue operating, Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng noted today (Monday), TDM Radio reported.
Speaking to the media after the opening ceremony of the Sac Pai Van Health Centre, Ho Iat Seng that he has been in communication with the sector, adding that the number of satellite casinos expected to close would not greatly impact the SARs unemployment rate. faces no resistance as it tightens leash on casino industry
Macau quer aumentar a proporção do jogo de massas nos casinos do território, numa altura em que as apostas VIP têm sido postas em xeque por parte das autoridades do território. Esta proposta está contemplada no segundo plano quinquenal que determina o caminho de desenvolvimento socioeconómico da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau (RAEM) e orienta os trabalhos prioritários do Governo até 2025 e conjuga-se com o 14.º plano quinquenal de Pequim.
"Aumentaremos, de forma contínua, a proporção ocupada pelo mercado de massas perante os rendimentos, e, apreciaremos rigorosamente os pedidos relativos ao aumento de mesas de jogo" lê-se.
O Governo tem como objetivo ainda aperfeiçoar "o regime jurídico do setor do jogo e promover o desenvolvimento ordenado e saudável do setor do jogo de acordo com a lei" e promover os trabalhos do novo concurso para a atribuição das concessões de jogo, que terminam em junho de 2022.
"Estimularemos os operadores do jogo a contribuírem para a sociedade de forma proativa e inovadora; será desempenhado o papel de locomotiva dos operadores do jogo no ciclo económico local, reforçando, desta forma, o efeito sinergético entre os operadores do jogo e as PME locais", indicaram as autoridades do antigo território administrado por Portugal.
O Governo de Macau afirmou que quer ajudar a promover o desenvolvimento de uma relação saudável entre a China e os Estados Unidos, uma posição tomada no dia em que os presidentes dos dois países se reuniram. Macau "irá estudar com seriedade e concretizar de forma plena as diretrizes do importante discurso proferido pelo Presidente, Xi Jinping" para "salvaguardar com determinação a soberania, segurança e interesse do desenvolvimento do país, aproveitar ainda mais as vantagens específicas de Macau como uma cidade internacional, como ponto de encontro das culturas ocidental e oriental" e "desempenhar da melhor maneira as funções relevantes de Macau como um lugar de abertura do país de 'dupla via' ao exterior", de forma a contribuir "na promoção do desenvolvimento saudável e estável das relações entre a China e os Estados Unidos".
A Wednesday announcement by the Macau government that it was renewing, but on a non-exclusive basis, the rights of the city’s sports-betting concessionaire, Macau SLOT Co Ltd (an outlet pictured), could be a “signal that more operators might be allowed into the sports betting market in Macau in the future,” says academic Wang Changbin, director of the Centre for Gaming and Tourism Studies at Macao Polytechnic Institute. Macau SLOT – the name stands for Sociedade de Lotarias e Apostas Mútuas de Macau Lda – offers instant lotteries and sports betting in Macau, with the exception of betting on horse racing. The new concession runs from June 6, 2021, to June 5, 2024. Macau’s casino operators might – on the basis of non-exclusivity for Macau SLOT – “also be allowed to bring in some kind of sports betting in their mass market” gaming areas, “just as their correspondents in Las Vegas do,” Professor Wang told GGRAsia.
A Macau government senior official confirmed on Monday that the city will launch “in the second half of this year,” a public consultation process regarding the revision of the city’s gaming law, including provisions for a new public tender for Macau gaming rights.
The city’s Secretary for Economy and Finance, Lei Wai Nong, said so in comments to the local media.
The “preparation work” for public consultation was “now in progress,” stated Mr Lei.
“We have prepared to launch the consultation in the second half of this year,” added the Secretary. He was speaking at a Monday briefing on a fresh package of government financial support for Macau ID holders and local companies amid the ongoing economic effects on the Macau tourism and gaming sectors, of the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Macau SAR Government says maintaining a minimum 85% threshold of local employees filling middle and senior management positions for gaming licensees would be included in amendments to Macau’s gaming law due next year. The 85% threshold was first mentioned as part of the SAR’s Five-Year Development Plan in 2016 with the government stating it hoped to improve from 81.9% at the time to at least 85% by 2020. That figure currently sits at 88.5% with 8,809 of 9,959 current middle and senior management staff being locals. The number of non-resident workers at Macau’s six gaming concessionaires has also fallen by 6,614 this year to 28,496
nov20 (LAG21)
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong announced today (Friday) that the Macau government would press ahead with work on legislation next year to renew casino concessions, which would come to an end in 2022 despite the pandemic.
The secretary, who was speaking in the region’s legislative assembly to present and discuss the Lines of Government Action (LAG) for 2021 in areas he oversees, said that the government would continue with “the work of opening for tender the new concessions for the award of gambling” licences.
The government should next year make public the specifications for bidders to prepare for the public tender scheduled for 2022, when the current concessions will come to an end.
Nov20 (LAG21)
O Chefe do Executivo disse ontem que o Governo quer organizar, em conjunto com as concessionárias de jogo, um total de 12 eventos desportivos de grande escala. Porém, na apresentação das Linhas de Acção Governativa (LAG) aos deputados, Ho Iat Seng disse que ainda não sabe se será viável, devido à evolução da pandemia. “Estou com algumas dores de cabeça por causa de algumas actividades”, admitiu. O Grande Prémio de 2021 não está confirmado. Na Assembleia Legislativa (AL), Ho Iat Seng referiu que o objectivo passava por organizar um evento por mês, em colaboração com as seis concessionárias de jogo da região, em que cada operadora ficaria encarregue de dois. À proposta, “as concessionárias deram resposta satisfatória e positiva”, referiu o líder do Governo. amendment of Macau’s Gaming Law is to be part of the local government’s agenda for 2021, said on Monday Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng, in the city government’s Policy Address for the next fiscal year. The address was at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly (pictured). Mr Ho said that for 2021, the Macau government would work to “improve the legal framework for the gaming industry”, and “start the preparatory work for Macau’s gaming concessions”. That was understood to be a reference to a public retender process occasioned by the expiry in June 2022 of the six existing Macau gaming licences.
The Director of the Gaming Inspection and Coordination Bureau (DICJ) pointed out that online and proxy gaming, which is currently prohibited in the SAR, could indeed increase gaming revenues but could also increase money laundering or increase gambling addiction risks. "Before introducing [online gaming] the government has to conduct careful studies, which are still ongoing," Adriano Ho explained.
Analistas defenderam à Lusa o adiamento do concurso público para as novas licenças do jogo em Macau, devido à pandemia da covid-19 que afeta, sem precedentes, a economia da capital mundial dos casinos e os seus operadores.
Macau’s Chief Executive, Ho Iat Seng (pictured in a file photo), said over the weekend he believed China’s central government would continue to be “very supportive” of the city: he declined to comment on questions from local media about possible negative impact on the city’s casinos stemming from the country’s move to criminalise promotion to mainland residents, of gambling “overseas”. Mr Ho was speaking on the sidelines of a public event on Saturday. He noted he would “not make a judgment” on proposed amendments to China’s criminal law, noting it was still “under discussion” at the country’s Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress. A report from a state-run media outlet in China said last week that the committee was considering a move to create a specific crime of “organising and soliciting by casinos abroad”, means by which mainland residents could be taken overseas to gamble. The amendment also reportedly featured adjusted penalty terms for the existing crime of “establishment of casinos” within the mainland.
Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong stated today (Thursday) that local authorities do not have any plans to delay the future gaming concessions public tender beyond 2022.
Local gaming results have been greatly impacted this year due to the global Covid-19 pandemic, dropping by 82.5 per cent year-on-year to some MOP38.6 billion (US$4.8 billion) between January and September, leading some analysts to consider that the crisis could lead local authorities to delay the gaming law revision and public tender process. However, speaking today after the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China celebration event, Secretary Lei indicated that local authorities would maintain their planned schedule for the procedures that will determine the future of the local gaming license concessions
Abril20 (policy address)
The much-anticipated maiden Policy Address by Chief Executive Ho Iat Seng was finally delivered last month, however, marked by the unprecedented outbreak of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that has brought the global economic activities into a standstill. Covering multiple areas, including the measures to rejuvenate the lacklustre economy, the restructure of numerous government departments, and the closer integration with the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, the new Chief Executive even took time in the Policy Address for 2020 to reflect Macau’s efforts in facilitating that economic diversifications from gaming were still far from substantial, a change from the stance of the previous administration that the city’s endeavour ‘has started to yield outcomes.’ A significant part is still absent in Mr. Ho’s first Policy Address – the details of the local gaming development beyond June 2022, when the six gaming concessions and sub-concessions expire. From the revisions, to the gaming regulations, to the timeline for opening the re-tendering process, to the number of available licenses, these are all still up in the air, awaiting for “a political decision,” say analysts and observers, who alert it should not be taken for granted that all current six operators could retain their licenses. “As the gaming concessions [and sub-concessions] will expire by 2022, [the government] will continue to heed the public calls, earnestly review, and conclude the past experiences for the relevant preparatory work [for the retendering process],” the Policy Address states. “[The government] will improve the [gaming] legal framework and supervision mechanism, as well as continue to carry out the retendering work of the gaming licenses.” As the official document lacks any further details concerning the process, Mr. Ho only noted, after being questioned in a press conference later, that he hopes a public consultation on the revisions to the gaming regulations could start in the second half of this year, which “has been delayed for a few months by the virus outbreak.” The official noted the sub-concession model would be eliminated, but declined to say the number of gaming licenses to be granted in the future, as the government awaits for the public opinions on the topics during the consultation exercise.
“Gaming liberalization in 2003 and the re-tendering in 2022 are two different discussions at different levels,” he added. “In 2003, Macau did not have enough conditions to make a choice, today we have more spaces and conditions to decide the direction of the gaming industry.” A public consultation for the amendment of Macau’s gaming law will be launched at the end of the year ahead of the re-tendering of gaming concessions in June 2022, the government has pledged. The timetable for the amendment of the law as well as the re-tendering process was raised by several legislators at a Q&A session of the Legislative Assembly on Monday, with Secretary for Economy and Finance Lei Wei Nong highlighting the government would not only focus on the structure of re-tendering but also on details of gaming law.